The Pirate Land Online's team will keep this whitepaper updated at all times. The goal of all adjustments is to increase the project's quality and long-term stability.
Because it is a work in progress, certain sections are missing or will be modified, and the information will be updated in stages without warning. Cryptocurrencies are not considered legal tender. Individuals cannot guarantee the value of crypto assets.
Market Risk
Market risks apply to cryptocurrency investing. Pirate Land Online tokens and credits are a type of virtual currency used in the game.
Legal Risk
The game is not a financial investment, and it should not be viewed as such. A swap is not an investment, securities, or a securities investment. Game items and tokens have no express or implied rights, uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities, or features, including, without limitation, any uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities, or features. Game assets may be valueless.Version 1.2022 Release Date: 2022
Last updated